Monday, May 7, 2012

Breaking News - Zombie Outbreak 2012

I would like to predicate all of this post by saying that I don't believe in fear-mongering.  Quite the opposite.  I believe in informed rational decisions, executed in a method to safely and effectively preparing yourself and your loved ones for any disaster or emergency, for which you should be prepared.

To steal an amazing quote...

If you want you can always change excellence to preparedness.

Now back to what we were originally talking about, ZOMBIES!!!!  Do I believe zombies are real or that they could ever exist.  In a word, no.  However, there is a different definition of "Zombie" that I abide by, it's in the Prepper Acronym and Dictionary page.

All that being said, Zombie preparation is a fun way to get people motivated about preparing for something that really isn't that fun.  No one wants to think about their home being destroyed in a fire, social collapse, economic failure, utilities failure, natural disasters, nuclear war, etc.   Sad fact is, that throughout your life you are likely to experience some form of emergency that you will not be prepared to react too.  Obviously, natural disasters are the most likely source of any emergency that you will face.  The CDC has a great page dedicated to Natural Disasters. Of course there are thousands of other resources that you can use online, and hopefully you can learn something that may eventually save your life from my posts as well.

So how do we prepare for Zombies?  

First we prepare our Zombie Defense Kit:

Instructional fold-up poster on how to survive a zombie attack. (These stages are not exactly like mine, but serve as a good pocket manual.)

Second, we must identify them.......

and why they are even coming after us:

Third, we identify how to kill them (or how not too):

Finally, we just try to have fun in the weird and terrible situation we find ourselves in...

and a graph to show this fact.

Also, for posterity's sake, I have attached the entire web comic that the CDC created last year during Zombie Awareness Month.  Guess which month that is.....that's right, it's May.  May is Zombie Preparedness month.  So get out there, get D.E.E.P, get there F.A.S.T. and survive.

Without further ado, the CDC Preparedness 101 Zombie Pandemic Comic:

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