550 | Paracord |
"JUNK" SILVER | 1964 or earlier mint date US coins with a silver content of 90% |
2WD | Two Wheel Drive |
4WD | Four Wheel Drive |
4X4 | Four Wheel Drive |
ABAO | All Bets Are Off |
ACH | Advanced Combat Helmet |
ACOG | Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (Trijicon) |
ACU | Army Combat Uniform |
AGL | Above Ground Level |
ALICE | All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment |
ALPHA STRATEGY | A hedge against inflation |
AO | Area of Operations |
AOW | Any other Weapon (BATFE classification) |
APC | Armored Personnel Carrier |
API | Armor Piercing Incendiary |
APIT | Armor Piercing Incendiary Tracer |
AR | Automatic Rifle |
ARC | American Red Cross |
ARK | Armed Response Kit |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASL | Above Sea Level |
ATF | Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATFE) |
ATL | Attempt to Locate (BOLO) |
ATV | All Terrain Vehicle |
AWD | All Wheel Drive |
BIB | Bug-In Bag |
BLUF | Bottom Line Up Front. (The most important point stated first.) |
BOB | Bug Out Bag |
BOL | Bug Out Location |
BOLO | Be On the Look Out for |
BOV | Bug Out Vehicle |
BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (a.k.a. "Mad Cow" disease) |
BTU | British Thermal Units |
BUG IN | Shelter in place. |
BUG OUT | Leave in a hurry |
CACHE | A stash of supplies |
CARRINGTON EVENT | A naturally occurring EMP-like effect, caused by a CME |
CM | Compressed Meals (The Army' new alternative to MREs) |
CME | Coronal Mass Ejection (Solar flares) |
CYA | Cover Your Assets |
DEEP | Disaster and EmErgency Preparedness |
DHTRO | Defecation Hits The Rotating Oscillator |
DLP | Defense of Life and Property |
DOOMSTEAD | Synonymous with survival retreat |
DRT | Dead Right There |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse |
FAK | First Aid Kit |
FARADAY CAGE | A shielding enclosure for electronics |
FAST | Fitness Adventure Survival skills and Training |
FIFO | First In, First Out—used for food storage rotation |
GHB | Get Home Bag |
GOOD | Get Out Of Dodge |
HDR | Humanitarian Daily Ration |
HEMP | High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse. See also EMP |
HORDES | People leaving the big cities looking for supplies. |
INCH BAG | I’m Never Coming Home Bag |
JIC | Just In Case |
JIT | Just In Time (inventory control system) |
KISS | "Keep it Simple, Stupid!" |
LOS | Line Of Sight |
MAD | Mutually Assured Destruction |
MALL NINJA | Someone that values style over substance |
MOE | Measures of Effectiveness |
MOLLE | Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment |
MOLON LABE | Greek for "Come and Take [It]" |
MRE | Meal, Ready to Eat (U.S. Army field rations) |
OPSEC | Operation(s/al) Security |
PERK | Personal Emergency Relocation Kit |
PM’s | Precious Metals |
PREP | Slang for prepare |
PREPPER | Slang for prepared individual (A Survivalist.) |
PREPS | Slang for preparations |
SHTF | Sh*t (Stuff) hits the fan |
SOL | Sh*t Out of Luck (Simply Out of Luck) |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure(s) |
TEOTWAWKI | The End of the World As We Know It |
WROL | Without Rule of Law |
WTSHTF | When the Sh*t Hits the Fan |
YOYO | You're On Your Own |
ZOMBIE | Unprepared aggressive masses who will take what you have painstakingly prepared, or...Zombies. |
Get DEEP, FAST in this Acronym/Dictionary so you can know the language of survival.
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