Prepper Dictionary and Acronym

This is by no means a complete list. Feel free to put any additional ideas that you have in the comments section. I cannot claim to have compiled all of this on my own. I have had some of these definitions for years and I couldn't even begin to attribute every item to every person. Again, please post in the comments if you have any original ideas, or there is something obvious I left out.

550 Paracord
"JUNK" SILVER 1964 or earlier mint date US coins with a silver content of 90%
2WD Two Wheel Drive
4WD Four Wheel Drive
4X4 Four Wheel Drive
ABAO All Bets Are Off
ACH Advanced Combat Helmet
ACOG Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (Trijicon)
ACU Army Combat Uniform
AGL Above Ground Level
ALICE All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
ALPHA STRATEGY A hedge against inflation
AO Area of Operations
AOW Any other Weapon (BATFE classification)
APC Armored Personnel Carrier
API Armor Piercing Incendiary
APIT Armor Piercing Incendiary Tracer
AR Automatic Rifle
ARC American Red Cross
ARK Armed Response Kit
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ASL Above Sea Level
ATF Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATFE)
ATL Attempt to Locate (BOLO)
ATV All Terrain Vehicle
AWD All Wheel Drive
BIB Bug-In Bag
BLUF Bottom Line Up Front. (The most important point stated first.)
BOB Bug Out Bag
BOL Bug Out Location
BOLO Be On the Look Out for
BOV Bug Out Vehicle
BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (a.k.a. "Mad Cow" disease)
BTU British Thermal Units
BUG IN Shelter in place.
BUG OUT Leave in a hurry
CACHE A stash of supplies
CARRINGTON EVENT A naturally occurring EMP-like effect, caused by a CME
CM Compressed Meals (The Army' new alternative to MREs)
CME Coronal Mass Ejection (Solar flares)
CYA Cover Your Assets
DEEP Disaster and EmErgency Preparedness
DHTRO Defecation Hits The Rotating Oscillator
DLP Defense of Life and Property
DOOMSTEAD Synonymous with survival retreat
DRT Dead Right There
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse
FAK First Aid Kit
FARADAY CAGE A shielding enclosure for electronics
FAST Fitness Adventure Survival skills and Training
FIFO First In, First Out—used for food storage rotation
GHB Get Home Bag
GOOD Get Out Of Dodge
HDR Humanitarian Daily Ration
HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse. See also EMP
HORDES People leaving the big cities looking for supplies.
INCH BAG I’m Never Coming Home Bag
JIC Just In Case
JIT Just In Time (inventory control system)
KISS "Keep it Simple, Stupid!"
LOS Line Of Sight
MAD Mutually Assured Destruction
MALL NINJA Someone that values style over substance
MOE Measures of Effectiveness
MOLLE Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
MOLON LABE Greek for "Come and Take [It]"
MRE Meal, Ready to Eat (U.S. Army field rations)
OPSEC Operation(s/al) Security
PERK Personal Emergency Relocation Kit
PM’s Precious Metals
PREP Slang for prepare
PREPPER Slang for prepared individual (A Survivalist.)
PREPS Slang for preparations
SHTF Sh*t (Stuff) hits the fan
SOL Sh*t Out of Luck (Simply Out of Luck)
SOP Standard Operating Procedure(s)
TEOTWAWKI  The End of the World As We Know It
WROL Without Rule of Law
WTSHTF When the Sh*t Hits the Fan
YOYO You're On Your Own
ZOMBIE Unprepared aggressive masses who will take what you have painstakingly prepared, or...Zombies.

Get DEEP, FAST in this Acronym/Dictionary so you can know the language of survival.

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