What is D.E.E.P., F.A.S.T.?

This can serve as a mission statement for the blog, and it's my mission statement for my life.

I am a realist.  Some people have their own interpretation of this word and will convince you that a realist is a pessimist.  This is simply not the case.  A realist is someone who plans for the worst, and hopes for the best.  I live every day of my life this way and I try to instill this value in my wife and kids.  I don’t wish to make them negative or cast a doubtful eye on the world around them, simply just ensure they are prepared for failures and can keep moving forward, no matter how large the obstacle is that they face.

Failures are inevitable.  People will fail you, steal from you, lie to you, and leave you out to dry when you need a hand the most.  Events will fail, your body will fail, and even your mind will fail.  This is a fact.  However, there will always be someone else right there to help you succeed, replace what is stolen and truly be a member of your “team”.  It is these types of people that you need to surround yourself with, and this is the kind of person that you need to be for them.  Steel yourself against these inevitable failures by adequately planning and preparing your body, your mind and all other parts of your life to succeed in the face of inevitable failure.  To, in other words, survive.

I work in absolutes, and I believe, (like my wife and my closest group of friends) that 100% of the life that you live is based on the way you view your life.  Positive thoughts breed positive outcomes.  If you believe you will succeed you will.  If you doubt yourself or those around you and you believe they will fail, or fail you, they will.  I believe that “grey areas” are few and very far between in life.  To be honest, they are almost completely non-existent. It either is, or it is not.

So how does all this work together when I’m saying that you are what you believe you are, but failures are inevitable?  It is the ability to look past these failures, the ability to plan for them, so they are mitigated before they ever occur.  If some(one/thing) does fail you, a secondary COA (Course Of Action) is already in play, or can be initiated immediately to avoid any potential fallout from the initial failure.  Do not dwell on failures, accept them and move on.  No matter what, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Maintain a positive attitude and you will help the people around you.  We are all in this together.  The pains and failures that you may feel are also felt by those around you.

I want to share the things that I know, the skills that I have learned, in the most fun and informative way possible.  This is the whole reason for this website.  D.E.E.P. - Disaster and Emergency Preparedness.  It’s what I am, not just something I do.  F.A.S.T. (Fitness, Adventure, Survival Skills and Training), these are the things that I do, the things that make me prepared for disasters and emergencies, whether these are internal or external conflicts that arise.  Sharing the aspects of “F.A.S.T.” is what leads to true “D.E.E.P.”.  One cannot exist without the other.

“Get DEEP, FAST and survive.”

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