Sunday, April 22, 2012

National Parks Week - Make your own adventure

This marks my first post for the blog, and it is something that I hold near and dear to my heart.  Get out from behind your computer, TiVO or DVR whatever shows you just can't live without, collect up your kids, AND GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!  Go explore, have an adventure.  Adventure plays into the FAST acronym and I'm sure you wonder where adventure plays into everything else.  Adventure is....put simply....PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE and potentially TRAINING.  Potentially more important than that, it is your life, the memories you build with your family and friends, the fun events you can look back on in life and smile at, especially if the TEOTWAWKI ever happens.

All of this to say, it's National Parks Week and ALL 397 National Parks are offering free admission, all week long.  So if you happen to be close to one, get out there and explore.  Test some of your survival equipment, test how your Bug Out Bag actually feels on a cross country hike.  Test something, even if that is just a new way of making Smores.  Bottom line, get outside and have some fun.

(Link to National Parks website)

-Sly Fox

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